Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reminiscing Memories of 1st March.. Apanah~~

It was our engagement day.. Yayyyyness~~ After more than 4 years of relationship (no string attached), he finally decided to get engaged.. It was in end of January, in Kaizen, mamam2 then "engaged??!!" Yippeeee..

Preparation was not so bad.. Bapak Mummy ok lah.. "Byk juak nok d jemput Mummy??" LOL~~ dats what I said..

I got Azlyn (gamblang.blogspot) for my photographer n Yani as my makeup datin.. Hehehe everythng was excellent.. Great job ppl.. Thanx to my family, for their help in preparation. To my frens yg dtg, *hearts*.. Insya-4JJ1 June lagi aaa~~..

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