Wednesday, April 8, 2009


c Latip yg tgh nervous..

Kaka siuk2 udah baca novel, Mama toleh2 kanan, toleh2 kiri..

Its the sunset view from an aeroplane.. Beautiful..

Around 1950hrs (2050hrs Brunei time), we reached Suvarnabhumi Airport.. Finally we reached Thailand.. SaWaDeeKa..

Sangal jua duduk dlm kapal yg terbang ituh!! Wlaupun 3 jam saja..Haha but it was a fun journey.. Sodappp cheese cake nya.. Anyhuuu.. yg ikut, age ranging from 60s to 30s to 20s.. LOL

It has been such a long time since Kjh Mel belayar, apatah lagi c Latip yg bibiran atu.. Nda beranti nyamu~~ LOL.. ngaleh melayan.. Well, Ujang ckp, iatah penghibur hati.. Rupa2nya ksana atu, berhajat jumpa bakal wifey.. esehh

We spent 5 days n 4 nytes in Bangkok.. Lots of places d jejaki tp nda abis jln.. Round pun nda abis..Adoiii.. Too many to look at, I end up giving up shopping but window shopping at shops with no windows.. *phm2 lerr*

I love d food we had at Manhattan Fish Market in Central World.. Udang nya d very best.. Even tauke udang pun suka.. Happy liat Ujang enjoying d food.. Mama n Kaka pun.. Sabar ja lau ampus Kak ah.. Sedap punya pasal.. Me n KakMel berabut with d sos.. Uishhh~~ Sia2pun..

Lots of things to share.. Pics ada in my FB to view.. Cheers~~

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