Monday, July 27, 2009

One Two n Three..

Its US and a Koala bear.. Hehehe its d second koala yg ku kipak.. d first one, smpat ngipak tp it rejected me soon after.. mayb sangal udah kna kipak blik2 b4 me oredi ooo~~.. LOL

anyway.. this koala bear is 9 years old n its heavy.. mcm kipak kanak2 two(2) years old kali.. =p Rasa jua kn bgmbr n try kipak koala, so y not.. its worth d experience kn?? no money can buy experience.. wuuhuuuu~~

Liat sapa mua nya mcm takut2.. tkut kna serang koala ka atau tkut with a snake yg ada nearby tu?? hehehe

-i!- aD'aM -i!-

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