Thursday, April 30, 2009

Minimum 5x a day~~

Sometimes.. At times.. ALLAHU AKBAR

Sometimes I wish I can go back to the past, correcting what I think can change to make my life better..
Sometimes I wish I could have the fast forward button to get over with what has been too slow n hurtful to encounter..
At times I just want things to be right for the sake of living..
At times I just want life to be that easy to handle, if only people would listen before saying and understand before replying..

Life has not been that much of a great success for me so far..
At times Im living life as minimum required..
Just breathing and sharing air to live..
Walking on earth like others do for the will..
Driving the car to be somewhere a.s.ap..

School? Work? Shopping?
It has been routine for human to undergo daily..
Why cant people understand another soul..
You want others to understand you, but do you get them??
I do admit having problems making people understand what is in my heart n thoughts, as I fail to utter them in the same language..
Is that my fault or is it my problem??

Words wouldn't be capable of assisting you through everthing..
Body language, the look in the eye, expressions, emotions.. All are equally important..
But why, all those other than words are looked down at??
Expressions are reprobate..
Body language are indecorous..
What can a person do to make someone understand??

It could be good, or it could not be..
But the least could be done is to be prepared..
I am not perfect, nor I can give a perfect life..
What I can offer is the Love and Care in this world..
Its up to the person to accept and appreciate it..

I am afraid to know what life is going to give me..
What the future will be offering me..
Would I still be playing game?
Or has I become the winner, or could I be the loser??

I could not let myself be buried under all this questions..
I am going to live my life as I should..
I should not allow people to think me as negative substance,,
I am not living this soul for anyone but myself..
I only share this presence with others..

I am here for a reason..


-I Believe in You-

Ya Allah.. Guide this soul through its life..

Let it heal..

Let it be better..


Thursday, April 16, 2009

In Crystal..

Never regret making d decision to actually did this.. Us in crystals..
~~Singapore December 2007~~

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ari Lasso feat BCL - Aku Dan Dirimu (enhaced audio&video)

I prefer d one that is so lovely n Romantic by Aril n Marsha

Aku dan Dirimu

Tiba saatnya kita saling bicara..
Tentang perasaan yang kian menyiksa..
Tentang rindu yang menggebu..
Tentang cinta yang tak terungkap..

Sudah terlalu lama kita berdiam..
Tenggelam dalam gelisah yang tak teredam..
Memenuhi mimpi-mimpi malam kita..

Duhai cintaku..
Seluruh cintamu..
Dan kini hanya ada aku dan dirimu..
Sesaat di keabadian..

Jika sang waktu bisa kita hentikan..
Dan segala mimpi-mimpi jadi kenyataan..
Meleburkan semua batas..
Antara kau dan aku, kita..

repeat reff

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Que sera sera

"Don't go, don't go so far"
"I'll never let go of your hands again"
"I'll come closer to you"
"Please hold my hand"
"I can't stop myself"
"So, don't stop yourself too"
"Everytime I open my eyes, I'll see you"
"Now, I understood"
"I Love You, don't go so far"
"Don't let go of my hands"
"Let me remember everything about you"
"Don't let go of my hands"
"I'll come closer to you"

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Utk Amalan Kitani

Q & A


Whom can we marry and who can we not?

I have met a girl and I would like to marry her, but my parents do not agree to the marriage, and want me to marry someone else from our lot. Whose decision is it to make?



On the question of marriage, a Muslim man may marry any other Muslim woman or a woman from the Ahl-ul-Kitab (Jews or Christians) but he may not marry a Kaffir woman.

When a man and a woman want to marry, the restriction is that they must both agree to the marriage. If one of them does not agree to the marriage, then their marriage is void.

In the case of marriage with a virgin girl, the permission of the father or the grandfather of the girl is also required as well as her agreement to the marriage.

In your case, if you want to marry someone but your family does not wish you to, try to obtain your parents agreement for the marriage. You need their blessings for your marriage, and also in the long term, you need their support and you want to establish a good relationship between you and them as well as your in-laws. So it is in your best interest to obtain your parents agreement but at the end of the day the decision is yours and yours only.

Renungan Bersama

On the Martyrdom of Fatima Al-Zahra Alayhas-Salam

On Wednesday 30th of Safar, year 11 Hejri, with only two days after the martyrdom of the Greatest Messenger of Allah, Muhammad salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih, the enemies of Allah and His Messenger did not waste time to embark on yet another murderous assault on the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam.

"Fatima is part of me, he who hurts her hurts me"

This was said by Prophet Muhammad salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih on numerous occasions.

The day after the burial of the body of Rasulollah, the murderers of Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih raided the house of Sayyidaton-Nissa' Fatima al-Zahra' alayhas-salam. In the process they set fire to the door of the house, and crushed Fatima al-Zahra' alayhas-salam, between the door and the wall. Sayyidaton-Nissa' Fatima al-Zahra' alayhas-salam, who was heavily pregnant at the time, sustained a number of horrific injuries, as a result of which she died later. Her unborn baby son – the third Sibt of Rasulollah; whom Rasulollah had named Mohassen, died instantlyin the course of the assaultby the "Sahabah"!!! Some of the injuries that the beloved daughter of Rasulollah sustained were:

  • smashed ribs,
  • pierced lungs,
  • as well as injuries to her unborn baby son, Hazrat-e Mohassen alayhis-salam, who was killed instantly.

Not being satisfied with all that, on entering the house, the assailants did not leave the beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad alone. They subjected her to a barrage of brutal assaults, by:

  • slapping her face,
  • throwing her to the ground,
  • repeatedly punching and kicking her
  • as well as hitting the heavily pregnant Lady Fatima with the side of their swords.

At the same time as the assault on Fatima al-Zahra', an assault was also taking place against her husband Amir-ul-Mu'minin alayhis-salam, who had come to her defence. The attackers eventually managed to disarm and apprehend Amir-ul-Mu'minin, Imam Ali alayhis-salam. As Fatima alayhas-salam lay unconscious on the ground, the assailants put a noose around Imam Ali's neck, violently dragging him through the streets of Medina so as to force him to declare his Bay'ah (the homage of allegiance) to the illegal and self-declared caliph . . .

وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنقَلَبٍ يَنقَلِبُونَ {26/227}

{. . . and the transgressors will surely find out [on the Day of Judgement] what will be their lot.} Holy Qur'an, 26:227.

Allahu Akbar~~ Allahu Akbar~~

Title: Reflection.

Found it??

Hua Ho??

Bday Man.. Huahuahua... ho?? LOL~~

Sodapppp ice-cream nya~~

Young @ heart..

Napa masa kanak2 iski kan memotong kek, dah basar malu2 tplg?? Jwp2!! LOl~~

potong~~ jgn tak potong~~

Its alwez nice to make surprises.. whats more beautiful is to surprise+meniaya.. wawawawa
I did it.. Nasib nda ramai org sekeliling.. Lau nda, ada mua rasa terbakar~~ *kwang3*

Next time for story2.. Cheers

Malu-malu meow

Guess who is blowing candles again??? LOL

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Magical Wishes..

Happy Birthday..

Nyum2 sgala~~ Huhuhu

My Love.. Its your birthday..

Once again..

Happy Birthday


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Betul ka??

Btul apa ni? LOL~~ Tak pcaye??

My fiance is turning 26.. Waaaaa muda lakat..

As quote what mummy said, "mudak masih aji
ya.. Kawan nok baby ya 27 taun udah.." *toing*

Does age matters when u wanna b with someone?? Hell NO!! Mau sambung hal umur ani, tnya Kjh Liah.. Sal kdia jua ku tkana sebiji, bila ia bckp hal meminang.. Uish uishhh~~ Takpe2.. Sapa ckp bini2 nda buleh meminang lelaki.. pikir ja kna terima atau nda ja lah.. heheheh

eh eh ehhh.. out of topic udah ni..

It shud b abt him him n him.. he's turning a year older, wiser, older, merrier, older, sweeter, older, happier, older older n older.. majal pisin nya.. LOL

Well darl, I planned stuffs for us.. One of it, is to show u this blog.. Wuuuuu.. Hope u like it wlaupun duiiiii tara papa oooo~~ Atleast I manage to create bits of this blog, n start sharing things here.. with who, I dunno.. Hehehe



Teruskan teruskan.. jgn malu2..

Mutiara Hati..

Untuk tatapan bersama..

Petua tidur Rasulullah s.a.w.

Antara sunnah-sunnah Nabi saw sebelum, ketika dan selepas tidur.

1. Sebelum dan selepas tidur baca doa tidur. Ramai orang memperlekehkan doa Masnun (doa harian) tapi hakikatnya harga yang Allah swt janjikan adalah syurga.

2. Jangan tidur menghadap kaki arah Qiblat. Ini adalah kedudukan tidur orang yang telah mati.

3. Barangsiapa yang membaca Tasbih Fatimah, sekiranya dia mati malam itu,dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid. Apa itu Tasbih Fatimah? Subhanallah 33 X, Alhamdulillah 33 X, Allahuakbar 33 X.

4. Baca 4 Qul (An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Kafiruun) tiup ke tapak tangan dan sapu ke seluruh badan untuk menghindarkan sihir dan niat jahat manusia. Kemudian baca bismillahirrahmanirrahim 21 kali. Barangsiapa membaca bismillahirrahmanirrahim sebanyak 21 kali ketika hendak tidur, nescaya terpelihara dari godaan dan gangguan syaitan, dari bencana manusia dan jin, daripada kecurian dan kebakaran, dan daripada kematian terkejut.

5. Niat untuk bangun Tahajjud. Sekiranya tidak terjaga, Allah swt akan mengira seolah-olah dia bertahajjud sepanjang malam. Tahajjud adalah sebaik-baik pelindung daripada sihir dan buatan orang.

6. Ambil wudhu’ sebelum tidur dan Solat Sunat Taubat 2 rakaat.

7. Maafkan semua kesalahan manusia pada kita dan halalkan semua hutang piutang sebelum tidur. Bangun tidur boleh buka fail semula kalau mahu.

8. Tidur cara Rasulullah saw dengan mengiring badan ke kanan dan tapak tangan di bawah pipi.

Banyak lagi sunnah Nabi saw yang boleh diamal, semuanya mudah untuk dilakukan. Lebih mudah daripada bersolek atau pakai night cream sebelum tidur. Lebih mudah daripada buat senaman ringan sebelum tidur.

Pesan Nabi saw, dilarang tidur meniarap terutama lelaki. Sekiranya tidur dengan kain pelikat, ikat hujung kain supaya tidak menimbulkan fitnah.

Tutup aurat ketika tidur. Kenapa ya? Lelaki yang tidur meniarap, dibawahnya Syaitan/ Jin Betina. Tidur bogel atau tidak menutup aurat akan menghindarkan Malaikat Rahmat dan mengundang makhluk lain. Sekiranya bersetubuh tanpa membaca doa, Syaitan/Jin akan bersama-sama menjamah isteri kita. Kemungkinan besar benih yang masuk bercampur dengan benih-benih Syaitan/ Jin. Jadi jangan marah kalau anak-anak ikut perangai “bapa-bapa angkat” mereka ketika kita bersetubuh dulu.

Imam Bukhari dan Muslim meriwayatkan daripada Aisyah bahawa Nabi telah bersabda : “Jika salah seorang di antara kamu berasa mengantuk, hendaklah kamu tidur sehingga hilang rasa mengantuk. Jika seseorang bersembahyang ketika mengantuk berkemungkinan dia membaca istighfar sedangkan sebenarnya dia sedang mencaci dirinya sendiri”.

Islam mementingkan tidur dan rehat agar ibadat dan aktiviti seharian dapat dilakukan dengan baik dan seimbang . Malah tidur dapat menentukan kesihatan dan menghasilkan kecergasan dalam diri seseorang . Bukan itu sahaja , tidur bagi seorang muslim juga dikira sebagai satu ibadat sekiranya ia memenuhi adab2 dalam Islam antaranya : -

1. Berwuduk
Sebaik-baik gosok gigi anda sebelum masuk tidur . Malah biasakan diri untuk mengambil wuduk sebelum tidur kerana menjadi amalan yang sangat dirahmati . InsyaAllah tidur anda akan sentiasa dilindungi daripada gangguan syaitan dan iblis .

2. Perut Tidak Terlalu Kenyang
Pastikan perut anda tidak terlalu kenyang ketika mengambil makan malam. Bukan sahaja tidak elok untuk kesihatan malah boleh menyebabkan perut anda cepat rasa sebu . Perut yang kenyang juga boleh menyebabkan anda cepat berasa mengantuk mahupun menghadapi masalah sukar untuk bangun .

3. Mengingati Kesilapan
Sebaik sahaja anda meletakkan kepala ke bantal , cuba anda ingat semula perkara yang telah anda lakukan sepanjang harian . Sekiranya anda melakukan perkara-perkara yang baik , tingkatkan keazaman untuk terus mengekalkan perbuatan yang baik . Tetapi sekiranya anda banyak melakukan kesilapan dan perbuatan mungkar, berazamlah untuk berubah dan beristighfar memohon keampunan daripada Allah S.W.T

4. Membaca Doa dan Surah Tertentu
Ketika ingin melelapkan mata , amalkan membaca doa atau surah-surah tertentu terlebih dahulu . Pastikan kedudukan tidur anda mengiring ke kanan dan seeloknya menghadap ke kiblat .

Rasulullah S.A.W sering mengamal membaca surah Al Ikhlas , Al Falaq dan Al-Nas dan kemudiannya dihembuskan bacaan itu di kedua-dua belah tangannya lalu digosok ke seluruh badannya di mana tangannya dapat sampai. Bacaan dan perbuatan baginda ini diulang sebanyak tiga kali berturut-turut .

5. Berazam Untuk Bangun Awal
Anda juga digalakkan untuk membaca surah Al-Kausar sebanyak tiga kali sambil berniat di dalam hati mahu bangun awal . Berazam untuk bangun awal bagi membersihkan diri dan menunaikan solat subuh .

6. Bangun Pagi
Setelah terjaga dari tidur pada waktu paginya , ucapkanlah rasa syukur kepada Allah kerana telah memanjangkan usia lalu berdoa : “Segala puji bagi Allah yang telah menghidupkan kami sesudah mematikan kami . KepadaNya kami akan dibangkitkan”. Kemudian lakukan sedikit regangan untuk melonggarkan otot-otot badan.


c Latip yg tgh nervous..

Kaka siuk2 udah baca novel, Mama toleh2 kanan, toleh2 kiri..

Its the sunset view from an aeroplane.. Beautiful..

Around 1950hrs (2050hrs Brunei time), we reached Suvarnabhumi Airport.. Finally we reached Thailand.. SaWaDeeKa..

Sangal jua duduk dlm kapal yg terbang ituh!! Wlaupun 3 jam saja..Haha but it was a fun journey.. Sodappp cheese cake nya.. Anyhuuu.. yg ikut, age ranging from 60s to 30s to 20s.. LOL

It has been such a long time since Kjh Mel belayar, apatah lagi c Latip yg bibiran atu.. Nda beranti nyamu~~ LOL.. ngaleh melayan.. Well, Ujang ckp, iatah penghibur hati.. Rupa2nya ksana atu, berhajat jumpa bakal wifey.. esehh

We spent 5 days n 4 nytes in Bangkok.. Lots of places d jejaki tp nda abis jln.. Round pun nda abis..Adoiii.. Too many to look at, I end up giving up shopping but window shopping at shops with no windows.. *phm2 lerr*

I love d food we had at Manhattan Fish Market in Central World.. Udang nya d very best.. Even tauke udang pun suka.. Happy liat Ujang enjoying d food.. Mama n Kaka pun.. Sabar ja lau ampus Kak ah.. Sedap punya pasal.. Me n KakMel berabut with d sos.. Uishhh~~ Sia2pun..

Lots of things to share.. Pics ada in my FB to view.. Cheers~~

Hasil kerja Azlyn..

Will b post~~~

Fascinating Public Transport

Red taxi~~

Pink taxi~~

Orange taxi~~

Green taxi~~

Blue n Pink taxi~~


Reminiscing Memories of 1st March.. Apanah~~

It was our engagement day.. Yayyyyness~~ After more than 4 years of relationship (no string attached), he finally decided to get engaged.. It was in end of January, in Kaizen, mamam2 then "engaged??!!" Yippeeee..

Preparation was not so bad.. Bapak Mummy ok lah.. "Byk juak nok d jemput Mummy??" LOL~~ dats what I said..

I got Azlyn (gamblang.blogspot) for my photographer n Yani as my makeup datin.. Hehehe everythng was excellent.. Great job ppl.. Thanx to my family, for their help in preparation. To my frens yg dtg, *hearts*.. Insya-4JJ1 June lagi aaa~~..


LOL~~ I can't believe I'm actually doing this.. Just untuk menyampaikan hajat yg tersyg, mau buat blog.. So, start it for him.. N hopes for all d best darlinggg.. Nyeh nyeh.. -i!-adek-i!-